8 billion inhabitants
1,2 cubic kilometre clean water
1 billion kilograms of food (think of: meat, vegetables, potatoes, fruits, etc.)
Room temperature: 30°C filled with clean air
It’s not easy to create overpopulation. That’s why one of the most important ingredients is patience. It can take years until there is a noticeable result .
Many people think the recipe is easy. They think overpopulation depends on how many people or how much space you have. The Black Death in 1350 and the Industrial and Green Revolution led to a rapid population growth. But in those days there was no overpopulation.
It’s a lot more difficult than that!
Overpopulation can only be formed if the ratio of resources to the population is low. But also if the resources are distributed inaccurataly throughout the population.
1. The first step is to create an increase in the population. This can be done by an increase in births and a decline of deaths. All women need to become pregnant as soon as possible and we have to take care for the older people so they live as long as possible.
2. Secondly form a huge world population, for example 8 billion inhabitants. The chance of overpopulation will arise if the number of inhabitants is very high.
3. Then cause a decline of resources. Overpopulation, as I’ve already said, can only be formed if the ratio of resources to the population is low. Resources are: clean water, food, warmth and clean air.
4. After many years of waiting the earth will be too small and will offer too minimal resources for the large number of inhabitants. Then the recipe created OVERPOPULATION successfully.
The assignment was to write a text in which I have to address a subject discussed in the Interactive Orals about Future Issues. The subjects were: food shortage, water shortage and fuel shortage. I’ve chosen for my own Interactive Oral about overpopulation. I’ve got most knowledge about that particular Future Issue.
The assignment was quite open it was allowed to write any sort of text. I’ve chosen to make a recipe. I thought this would be more original and creative than for example a newspaper article. I tried to make it funny and also interesting to read. The fun part is that it’s a recipe and it’s of course impossible to create overpopulation with a simple recipe like this. But I’ve also tried to use my knowledge about overpopulation by giving information about this Future Issue.
I used the style and register as in an ordinary recipe. First mention the ingredients, than explain step by step how to make it.